Available in 1/4 - 1/2 - Whole (5% discount)
Retail: high quality, mouthwatering ground beef; steaks (ribeye; T-Bone; Porter House); Roasts, soup bones and steak kabob meat

Benefits of WTR vs store bought:
- No water added... therefore better flavor and you're not paying for water!
- Know where your meat comes from... some 'hamburger meat comes from as many as 1000 different animals, some outside the USA!
- All our cattle are selectively bred... since we are a 'registered, seedstock' producer, we know how to breed in quality and carcass (marbling, ribeye, etc.)
- Know the source of your meat are based upon healthy cows; well cared for cows and calves; and well-fed steers for flavor and tenderness... we adhere to BQA certification standards (Beef Quality Assurance) through the National Cattlemen and Beef Association.