Through 2019 embryo calves we have added MAR Innovation and JMB Traction by 9403, to complement those by B/R Pride. A click on the photo will take you directly to the animals pedigree and current EPD's.
New Genetics in 2017 by Flush...

B/R Pride 1551 (17050115) the powerful high growth, high marbling Pathfinder donor at T/D Angus at Rishel Ranch, NE was flushed to Basin Payweight 1682. We have three (3) heifers, two have had their first calves and they are excellent mothers; the third is a yearling and will be bred in 2019. A flush brother was the high selling bull in our 2018 sale to Peterson Angus in Alcester, SD. ‘1551’ also produced the $110,000 B/R Nationwide 69 at TD Angus. A heifer pregnancy that is a full sib to our three (3) ET heifers sold for $17,000 and a ¾ sister sold for $35,000. B/R Pride brings power and marbling to WTR. She was one of Bill Rishel’s favorite cows!
PA Lora 017-3123 (17578742) flushed to PA Fortitude 2500 ... '3123' is one of the most powerful females we have seen. The combination of Lora and Fortitude should provide one of the top animals in the breed.

EF Hazel 1261 (17044487) flushed to PA Full Power 1208... 'This cow has been a core donor for Brandon Peterson at Peterson Angus (SD). EF Hazel 1261 is a very long bodied, big spring of rib and a strong hip with excellent bone structure.
2019 should be another year of significant progress at WTR Angus. We have added several new ET calves and the Innovation, Traction, and Full Power calves are stunning in their appearance and dimension. The Bandolier bulls and heifers by ‘9403’ donor are exceptional. Our new herd bull, Sitz BowTie 11956 first calves are really meeting our expectations and we look forward to seeing how they are as mature cattle!
Ruth S S Z63 - donor dam to the $5,000 bull WTR Z63 Weigh Up 837, this POWERFUL cow has progeny of 4-WWR 110; 1-YWR 123; 4-%IMF 119 and 4-RE 101.
+ Her EPD performance is equally strong: MATERNAL: Top 15% CED; 35% BW; 25% MK; and 30% HP. GROWTH: Top 10% WW; 4% YW and FEED CONVERSION Top 10% RADG. CARCASS: Top 3% CW; Top 2% MB. In a word, "BALANCED".
+ We have embryo by Sitz BowTie 11956; Gardens Cache; and Raven Powerball 53... many will be implanted in 2020.

WTR Z63 Weigh Up 837
The $5,000 son of our donor "Z63" and choice of Ron and Kim Pendill (IN) as their herd bull. Top 1% for WW and YW EPD; Top 10% CW; Top 25% MB; Top 45% RE; Top 2% $W; Top 10% $B; and Top 15% $F.
WTR 9403 USA Bandolier 419, $8,000 son of J D B Miss Traveler 9403 ... out of our great WTR Miss Traveler 903 donor. '9403' does it all.
+ Flushmate to the #2 get-of-sire at Midland Bull Test (MT) 2009-10
+ Pathfinder dam...progeny ratios 6-BWR 98; 6-WWR 106; 6-YWR 106 and carcass 16-IMF ratio 101 and 10-RE ratio 100
+ Daughters doing well...first daughter 3 BWR 92; 3-WWR 104; 3- YWR 103; 3-IMF ratio 104; and 3-REA ratio 108
+ Sons ... already produced an $8,000 bull '419'/lot 503 at the Midland Bull Test 2014-15 (purchased by LG Bradbrook, Rapelje, MT)
+ Her son, '305' had been our herd bull and was a product of the 2013-2014 IBEP (Indiana Bull Evaluation Program) bull test. His sons won the 2016 IBEP test as #1 Overall Performance Index and another was #1 Carcass Merit Index of 111 and ADG ratio of 120. The later bull came off test at 1330 pounds.

WTR 9403 Right Answer 305

WTR 9403 USA Bandolier 419
Great granddaughter of 9403, granddaughter of 125 and daughter of 302 (all top cows in the program)... check out her EPD's and performance: Her 3rd calf will make her a pathfinder; first two calves WWR 115; one YWR 105; %IMF ratio 109 and RE ratio 105. 501 is Top 1% for WW YW DOC $W and $M. She is also top 2% HP Top 25% MB and 30% RE and Top 35 CED. To top it off Top 10% RADG $F $B and 25% $G. She will be the next great donor at Willer Timber Ridge.